How To Be In Top Amazon Sellers Ranking With Data Scraping?

May 24, 2024

Why are people invested in gathering data to make their decisions?

"As Jeff Bezos, the Founder of Amazon, says, "We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better."

It showcases that even after being such a big brand, they are invested in delivering the best customer experience, which is changing continuously.

How can they make it possible? Data analysis involves understanding trends, customer sentiments, market demands, and retailers. Data scraping, used to rank top Amazon sellers, involves crawling through target web pages and collecting the required information for analysis.

Being at the top means you have better chances of reaching new audiences, generating leads, and boosting profits. This requires the right strategies, resources, and data-driven decisions, which we will explore in this content piece.

What Is Amazon's Best Sellers Rank?

Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank is a number assigned to every product in the catalog with at least one sale. It aims to understand a product's performance compared to others in the same category. Generally, this is updated hourly based on category popularity, sales volume, purchase history, and more.

Here are the attributes that can be extracted from the website:

  • Product URL
  • Special Features
  • Size
  • Deals & Discounts
  • Brand
  • Product Name
  • SKUs
  • Color
  • Categories
  • Images
  • Ranking
  • Date of Product Launch
  • Customer Reviews
  • Number of Reviews/Ratings
  • Star Ratings

Customers can quickly look for popular products trusted by most other Amazon customers. Also, the products in the best sellers gain credibility and boost sales. On the other hand, sellers get a chance to highlight their products by analyzing the strategies of best sellers.

Why Extract Top Amazon Sellers Ranking Data?


Scraping Amazon's best-seller rank includes crawling through Amazon product pages and extracting information that defines product performance. Industry experts will use intelligent tools, APIs, or custom methods to extract and store accurate, easy-to-analyse information.

Did you know that over 54% of Amazon businesses plan to try new marketing strategies this year? Scraping bestseller ranks on Amazon will give you insights into your competition and market demands. Businesses, retailers, or customers perform scraping to extract information about the highest-selling product category, order price, reviews, description, discounts, and more. Here are some reasons to invest in scraping Amazon best seller's rank:

  • Analyze Market
  • It gives you a view of popular products in real-time, allowing business owners to grab the right opportunity. Scraping this information helps you understand your customers' interests and market trends so that you can hit the peak point.

  • Optimize Product Catalog
  • If you are launching a new product or planning to optimize data extraction, it will help you identify the potential categories or niches for your brand. With data-driven decisions, you can make a suitable investment.

  • Marketing Strategies
  • As an Amazon seller, you can fine-tune the product listings, promotions, and keywords based on the best sellers. It allows you to upsell and cross-sell the products efficiently.

  • Amazon Buy Box
  • This grabs customers' attention quickly as it is highlighted on every product page. Once you focus on the right metrics, such as competitive pricing, cancellation rate, inventory management, feedback count, delivery time, and more, it is easier to get listed in the Buy Box.

  • Inventory Management
  • Monitoring the best-selling products can make it easier to find the product availability and predict future demands. As a seller, you can see a peak shopping spree to allow you to generate better leads.

  • Data Analysis
  • The extracted data is used to analyze and visualize the products. It uncovers the patterns and relations with the customers to deliver a personalized experience.

Top Key Metrics To Track Top Amazon Seller's Rankings

To be successful on Amazon, it is not limited to just putting the products on sale but also performing additional activities to gain customer attention. Here are the Amazon metrics that help you get valuable insights:

Click-Through Rate

The ratio of customers who click on the advertisement is divided by total impressions. Every campaign and keyword will have performance metrics, which can be used to place the ads in the right place with higher chances of conversion.

Account Health

It includes rating and performance metrics highlighting compliance with the platform policies and procedures. This also helps you to access valuable seller tools and influences the ability to sell on Amazon hassle-free. There are three primary factors:

  • Customer service & Shipping performance
  • Order Defect Rate
  • Product Policy Compliance

Average Order Value

It refers to the ratio of total revenue divided by the total number of orders placed. This provides insights about the money customers are spending on the store.

Inventory Performance Index

As an FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) seller, you will get an IPI score and unique metrics showcasing your inventory management skills. Amazon's algorithm provides higher IPI scores to the sellers who sell products efficiently and quickly. Some factors that play a crucial role in this metric are:

  • Stranded inventory
  • Stock Rate
  • Sell-through rate
  • Flooded Inventory

Conversion Rate

This is one of the most essential KPIs businesses selling on Amazon should track. It is the percentage of visitors who buy the product after visiting your product page. If your conversion rate is lower, there can be multiple reasons, like costly products, low-quality images, poor reviews, or missing product details.

Amazon's best sellers maintain an excellent average conversion rate of 10%; below this, something needs improvement.

Total Advertising Cost of Sale

Monitor this metric to understand the impact of ad campaigns on your business. This focuses on the investments in PPC ads compared to your overall sales revenue, including organic and advertising sales.

How To Extract Top Amazon Sellers Rankings?


Firstly, is scraping Amazon data legal? Scraping Amazon data is legal if you follow the proper measures, legal documentation, and standards to extract publicly available data. Otherwise, you may face heavy penalties if you misuse or extract illegal information.

Let us look at the process of scraping Amazon bestseller pages using Python and exporting the data into a spreadsheet:

Fulfill The Requirements

Fulfill The Requirements

$ pip install beautifulsoup4 pandas

Now, create a new Python script. "urlopen" is used to open the page, "BeautifulSoup" is used to parse HTML, "request" to create an object that connects with the server, and "pandas" for exporting data. Let us import the libraries:

from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd

Send A Request To The Target Page

You must add a "User-agent" header to avoid getting blocked by Amazon and then pass the target URL in the coding segment:

# Page for best sellers in writing (Authorship subcategory)
url = ''
request = Request(url, headers={'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
html = urlopen(request)

HTML Parsing

The "urlopen" does not understand the HTML text. It just returns the desired content, so it is essential to parse the same with BeautifulSoup:

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

Amazon Best Seller Scraping

Use the "find_all()" method to grab the unique product IDs using this code:

books = soup.find_all('div', id="gridItemRoot")

Now, you need to loop for every best-selling book that should be scraped:

for book in books:
    rank = book.find('span', class_="zg-bdg-text").get_text().replace('#', '')
    title = book.find(
    print(f"Title: {title}")

Then, gather author and rating data:

for book in books:
    author = book.find('div', class_="a-row a-size-small").get_text(strip=True)
    print(f"Author: {author}")
    r = book.find('div', class_="a-icon-row").find('a', class_="a-link-normal")
    rating = r.get_text(strip=True).replace(' out of 5 stars', '') if r else None

Store The Scraped Data

You can export the collected data in various formats. But, here we will let you know how to export the data in CSV:

    'Rank': ranks,
    'Title': titles,
    'Author': authors,
    'Rating': ratings
}).to_csv('best_seller.csv', index=False)

If you are looking to gather information for a smaller data set, you can redirect to the product page and then look into its product description section:


This is ideal if you want to deal with fewer products.

What Are The Benefits Of Analyzing Top Amazon Sellers' Data?

Web scraping Amazon best seller ranks can help you gain detailed information and make data-driven decisions in real-world scenarios. Some unique benefits of investing in this process:

Sales and Profits

It is easier to monitor the effect of promotional campaigns and the sales performance to identify profitable products. This helps to optimize the less-performing products according to the best sellers.

Price Monitoring

Sellers can track the price changes and optimize their strategies accordingly. With hands-on price fluctuations data for popular products, you can stay competitive and generate better revenue.

Product Line Expansion

Data extraction helps find gaps in product lines, which might become an opportunity for you. As a seller, you can fill the gaps and introduce the best products to sell.

Geographic Insights

Most sellers are concerned about regional sales, so scraping Amazon data gives you access to specific geographic markets and allows you to analyze customers' buying habits.

How Do You Beat The Challenges Of Scraping Top Amazon Sellers' Rankings?

After learning about the benefits of analyzing the best Amazon seller rankings, you might want to know how Amazon detects scraping. The platform has multiple security features and tools to ensure no one can access its data illegally. It has also defined data extraction guidelines to maintain its customers' security and privacy.

When gathering large amounts of data, it is essential to follow the proper measures. Here are some challenges and solutions to overcome them:

Challenges Solutions
Captcha, IP Blocking, & Bot Detection
  • Stranded inventory
  • Stock Rate
  • Sell-through rate
  • Flooded Inventory
Different Web Page Structure It is crucial to write code that handles exceptions accurately. Otherwise, the code will fail to display an error or timeout.
Dynamic Content As Amazon relies on JavaScript for dynamic loading, you need intelligent scraper tools to handle this feature and act as a human.
Robots.txt File This file defines which paths are not allowed for scraping. So, make sure you always check this file to avoid any issues.
Complicated Pagination With extensive product listing, you need a tool to handle pagination. It should be capable of navigating multiple pages of search results to gather all relevant information.
Limited Features It is vital to have multi-threaded scrapers, which help to gather different information parallelly and complete the whole task in seconds.

How Do You Boost Your Amazon Best Seller Rank?


Once you have performed data scraping for Amazon Best Seller Rank, it is time to optimize your strategies. Here are some of the simple methods that go a long way:

  • Competitive Pricing
  • This makes your products appealing, as customers are easily attracted to deals and discounts. Even if you price your products at a smaller margin, customers will likely make a successful purchase.

  • Focus on Listings
  • Integrate suitable product titles, in-depth descriptions, and quality images, highlighting the best features. Also, the keywords should be integrated with a higher conversion rate but with lower competition.

  • Gather Reviews
  • They are the most significant part that can make or break the customer deal. Always ask or motivate your customers to leave feedback, ratings, or stars on your products. More optimistic reviews mean gaining more trust from potential new customers.

  • Robust Customer Support
  • Providing instant solutions keeps customers happy and increases the chances of repeat business. Address the issues effectively to deliver customer satisfaction and a positive experience with your products.

  • Optimize Product Categories
  • Find the most suitable category for your product to enhance its visibility and reach the buyers easily. You can also check your competitor's listing to ensure you are in the right one.

How Can Scraping Intelligence Experts Change Your Game?

Ultimately, you understand that Amazon's Best Seller Rank is essential for sellers and customers to succeed in the industry. By scraping bulk information, it becomes effortless to monitor products, build strategies, boost visibility, and build a more substantial brand reputation.

Now, how can Scraping Intelligence be an asset in this journey? From helping our clients to know what sells in the market to what to sell, we have managed every request with great precision. Amazon Best Sellers Rank scraping is about gaining the top position and the efforts to meet the sales target.

Our experts rely on the latest web scraping tools and techniques to keep you ahead of the competitors. It is our responsibility to know the market, help you analyze future demands, and finally optimize your products on Amazon.

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