Our pre-built Flipkart Web Scraper tool lets you easily extract data like product name, price, image, and description from Flipkart search pages, without writing any code
This Product data pre-defined extractor is designed to scrape all detailed product information from flipkart.com categories listings.
This Product data pre-defined extractor is designed to scrape all detailed product information from flipkart.com categories listings.
This Product Webscraper will crawl flipkart.com listing pages and automatically extract data on all product pages in the category page.
A few mouse clicks and copy/paste is all that it takes!
Firstly you will need to sign up for free trial account or be signed in
Enter List of search URLs to start the web scraping. It must be a category or department page search url including querystring for filters.
This pre-defined web scraper is using regular bots to scrape product data. When you use Flipkart.com Web Scraper pde cost will be 1 credit per request.
This data consists of up to 4 lines of which each one represents a single (unique) page's information such as its PId, Model_Name, Name, Category, Price, Image_url, Headphone_Type, Battery_Capacity, Charging_time, Play_time, Ratings, Reviews, etc from flipkart.com.
# | PID | Modal_Name | Name | Category | Price | Image_url | Headphone_Type | Battery_Capacity | Charging_Time | Play_Time | Ratings | Reviews |
1 | ACCG8D2P6UVC6ZFW | ear (1) | Nothing ear (1) Bluetooth Headset (Black, True Wireless) | Headphones | ₹5,999 | https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/416/416/kwv0djk0/headphone/s/q/0/-original-imag9g447kqvky5e.jpeg?q=70 | True Wireless | - | - | 34hr | 1462 | 190 |
2 | ACCGFQ24HZK8Y7NY | DA2001 | DIZO by realme TechLife GoPods with Active Noise Cancellation(ANC) Bluetooth Headset | Headphones | ₹2,999 | https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/416/416/kvzkosw0/headphone/x/d/d/-original-imag8rdvzedhkgme.jpeg?q=70 | True Wireless | 400 mAh | 2hr | 25hr | 5493 | 721 |
3 | ACCFZCSJWDAZRECZ | RMA2003 | realme Buds Air 2 with Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) Bluetooth Headset | Headphones | ₹3,299 | https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/416/416/kll7bm80/headphone/w/k/c/rma2003-realme-original-imagyz297gjprkc6.jpeg?q=70 | True Wireless | 460 mAh | 2hr | 25hr | 95340 | 11288 |
4 | ACCG4RBWG8TWZRY9 | RMA2003 | Noise Buds VS102 Truly Wireless Bluetooth Headset | Headphones | ₹1,289 | https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/416/416/ksdjma80/headphone/l/u/4/buds-vs102-truly-wireless-noise-original-imag5yapjm8rhakh.jpeg?q=70 | True Wireless | - | 1.5hr | 3.5hr | 42935 | 6709 |